Webb Fontaine's recipe for success in Benin

Interview with Anicet Houngbo
What is the partnership between Webb Fontaine and the government and how has it evolved over the years?
Webb Fontaine is a company that produces and provides technology solutions to accelerate the development and modernisation of international trade. Recognised for the quality of its models and tools, governments as well as several private organisations use its expertise to organise, Support and support their reforms to improve the business environment and secure tax revenues in order to sustainably accelerate economic growth.
This means that the partnership between Webb Fontaine and the Government of Benin stems primarily from the vision and will of the Government of Benin, which, in the country’s recent economic development programme has set clear direction and objectives, the achievement of which depends on the selection and selection of qualified technical partners capable of delivering on its ambitions. Over the past 20 years, several governments have used (through various partnerships) the technology solutions provided by Webb Fontaine.
Webb Fontaine has been working with the Beninese government since 2017 and has effectively intervened in the reforms led by the state through the deployment and implementation of the Single Window for Foreign Trade (GUCE Benin). It is a digital platform that interconnects the different systems, services and actors of foreign trade: (maritime and border logistics, ministries, customs and customs agents, banks, etc.), thus facilitating import and export operations. In 2022, this initiative helped secure more than CFAF 450 billion in tax revenue and over CFAF 600 billion in 2023.
Webb Fontaine also works in close technical collaboration with the company Benin Control, which is the privileged partner of the customs and designated by the government to ensure compliance control in terms of goods assessment, Compliance with import standards and procedures to secure government revenues.
Faced with the increase in trade flows and the need for digitalisation, the Beninese government signed a contract with Webb Fontaine in July 2022 to adopt a new customs system, Customs Webb, which is a more suitable and flexible tool using artificial intelligence. With this new system, which replaces SIDONIA, the customs administration of Benin is avoiding constraints and difficulties in its operation, the management and efficiency that it faces with the old system which has shown its limits in the face of new requirements for trade facilitation, modernisation, organisation and technological adaptation related to compliance with the new customs professions, Without ignoring the administrative burdens that slow down the speed of operations.
What impacts have its solutions had on the trade of Benin?
The solutions deployed by Webb Fontaine in Benin have had a significant impact on the evolution, facilitation and transparency of trade in Benin, notably through the implementation of the Single Window for Foreign Trade (GUCE), which has enabled several thousand traders in the various sectors mentioned above (with more than 6,500 users) to conduct their online operations efficiently and in a shorter time. This platform has reduced container release times at the port of Cotonou by 30%, positioning Benin as the third best-rated port in Africa in 2022.
The various reforms initiated by the government of Benin supported by Webb Fontaine in the different sectors of trade have a direct impact on the mobilisation of customs revenues which has improved and significantly progressed to reach more than 450 billion CFA secured in 2022 600 billion CFA in 2023.
Thus, the solutions deployed by Webb Fontaine in Benin have effectively contributed to improving the country’s position and commercial influence in the sub-region as a trading hub in West Africa.
These achievements demonstrate how Webb Fontaine’s commitment not only modernised trade in Benin, but also contributed to economic growth and improved business environment in the region.
How does Webb Fontaine ensure that its technology solutions are aligned with government policies and strategic objectives?
Webb Fontaine ensures that its technological solutions align with the policies and strategic objectives of the Government of Benin through several means:
Strategic partnership: Webb Fontaine works closely with the government to understand its priorities and ambitions, including making Benin a leader in digital services in West Africa. This collaboration is reflected in the creation and implementation of several consultation frameworks with key government representatives and other stakeholders. This steering model based on periodic meetings and exchanges allows to evaluate, guide and follow the evolution of implementation of the project, with a view to a good contextualisation.
Integrated approach: We explained above that the Single Window proposed by Webb Fontaine is designed to interconnect all major trading platforms and interface with those of government institutions, banks, and other partners. We prefer a technological approach adapted to integrate existing systems. In this same dynamic, the company has developed its own electronic payment system (Paylican), integrated into GUCE. Recently, with a GSM operator, we have succeeded in integrating the instant money transfer into our Paylican-Epaiement solution, thus facilitating an integrated approach to commerce. This meets the government’s requirements for simplification and transparency of customs and trade procedures.
Advanced technology: Using cutting-edge technologies, including artificial intelligence, Webb Fontaine is modernising customs systems and optimising clearance processes. This is in line with the government’s objectives of making Benin more commercially competitive and improving the efficiency of customs operations.
Flexible solutions: Webb Fontaine offers modular solutions that allow the government to select those that best meet its strategic needs. This flexibility ensures that the technologies implemented are in line with the country’s economic development objectives.
Commitment to digitisation: The partnership with Webb Fontaine demonstrates the Beninese government’s commitment to digitisation and transformation of the business environment, Thus contributing to better regional integration and economic growth.
These elements show how Webb Fontaine is working to align its solutions with government policies, thus promoting a more modern and efficient business environment in Benin.
How did Webb Fontaine address the challenges of technology adoption in the country?
Aside from the strategic collaboration with the government we just discussed, it should be noted that Webb Fontaine has helped address the challenges of technology adoption in Benin through several key strategies:
Systems integration: Webb Fontaine’s deployment in Benin of the new Customs Webb system to replace ASYCUDA facilitates the implementation of a modern solution that adapts to current requirements of facilitation and rapid evolution of trade where customs plays a role principal. This new customs system is interfaced with trading platforms, including the Single Window of Foreign Trade (GUCE). This has resulted in harmonised customs processes and simplified operations for users.
Training and transfer of skills: Webb Fontaine integrates in its implementation programmes the essential component of (training and transfer of skills), as a guarantee of strengthening local capacities to ensure and ensure improvement, the successful continuity of sustainability of the systems it sets up. Training local partners and users on new technologies and the exploitation of new systems thus make it possible to transfer skills effectively and efficiently based on the provision of local skills capable of maintaining adapt and evolve new tools as needed. This is the case with the Customs Webb project, where we train customs officers on a daily basis in the use of the new customs system. Since April 2021, Webb Fontaine has organised training and immersion sessions to equip SEGUB employees with the necessary skills to independently manage the Single Window for Foreign Trade (GUCE) after its delivery to the government. He also assisted SEGUB in recruiting and training new profiles to provide resources for competent agents capable of meeting the growing demands of international trade.
In 2023, the Sourcemind Benin Academy launched by Webb Fontaine trained software engineering students, reaching 1,082 applicants with more than 100 registrations and 20 graduates, contributing to the development of technological skills in the country.
Adaptation to local needs: Webb Fontaine’s solutions in Benin are designed to meet the specificities of Beninese trade, taking into account the logistical and administrative challenges of the country. For example, the EEOG was developed to automate key administrative operations, which has significantly improved the efficiency of customs procedures.
Webb Fontaine’s change management approaches have overcome barriers to technology adoption, facilitating a successful transition to a more modern and efficient business environment in Benin.
What can the rest of Africa learn from Benin’s experience with Webb Fontaine?
Benin has been and continues to be a showcase for trade modernisation through projects with Webb Fontaine. Since the implementation of these initiatives, Webb Fontaine has been receiving many government delegations wishing to learn from the Beninese experience. The experience of Benin with Webb Fontaine offers the rest of Africa an example of a successful partnership model and several valuable lessons.
Strategic partnerships: We can’t say it enough, but governments must have a vision, ambition and strong, frank, sustained and constant political will to lead and succeed in the reforms and sensitive projects of major importance, such as those initiated by Benin. Collaboration between Webb Fontaine and the Beninese government demonstrates the importance of strong partnerships based on governments' will to succeed in trade reforms. Other African countries can draw on the Benin experience to benefit from such partnerships in order to strengthen their institutional and technological capacities and accelerate economic growth.
Improved logistics performance: Thanks to innovative solutions, as we have seen, Benin has managed to reduce container release times by 30%, thus becoming a port of choice in West Africa. It is possible, we continue to carry this ambition of doing more for our continent.
Adoption of advanced technologies: The use of artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies in customs and trade systems has helped Benin position itself as a regional leader. Other African nations can explore the integration of these technologies to improve their competitiveness in the international market.
Webb Fontaine’s experience in Benin demonstrates that an integrated approach, focused on technology and skills development, can transform the business environment and strengthen a country’s position on the international stage. The success of these initiatives makes Benin a reference for other African countries wishing to modernise their trade.
What are the future goals of Webb Fontaine in Benin and how do you plan to achieve them?
Webb Fontaine has several future goals in Benin, aimed at further strengthening the modernisation of trade and customs systems. The main objectives and means to achieve them are:
Further technological integration: With the establishment of a GUCE, Benin is engaged in a continuous optimisation process. Webb Fontaine is thus part of a process of accompanying the community to integrate the new structures and respond to the new ambitions in terms of foreign trade procedures.
Outside of Benin, Webb Fontaine accompanies several other countries in Africa and around the world. The objectives of our group, which is based in Dubai, are as we have previously mentioned to proceed with:
Opening of a Research and Development Centre in Africa, which will focus on the development of artificial intelligence-based solutions. The centre will aim to promote local innovation and support economic growth in Africa by developing African technology talent.
Establish partnerships with the business community: Webb Fontaine is committed to working with the entire industrial, commercial and logistics community to support all economic players in this transformation. This includes sharing best practices and supporting the implementation of new technologies.
In conclusion, our ambition is to make Benin a successful model for digital transformation in West Africa, building on technological innovation, skills development and strong partnerships with government and the private sector. But more importantly, to significantly improve this sector on a continental and international scale.
Originally published in L'Economiste Benin in French.
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About Webb Fontaine
Webb Fontaine is revolutionising international trade by empowering governments and communities with technology powered by AI. We offer comprehensive solutions across the trade spectrum, ranging from risk management to customs systems, single window, and beyond. Webb Fontaine is headquartered in Dubai, UAE with a presence across Europe, Middle East, South America, Asia and Africa.