Streamlining trade payments with e-payment in Côte d’Ivoire

One of the most notable features of the e-payment facility is its interface with all agencies involved in the trade transaction process. This integration ensures a seamless flow of information and transactions between different entities, significantly reducing the time required for the payment of customs duties. The streamlined process not only benefits trade operators by expediting their transactions but also enhances the security and traceability of payments, thereby safeguarding government revenues.

The introduction of this e-payment facility is a testament to the ongoing efforts to modernise and improve the trading infrastructure. It reflects a broader commitment to leveraging technology to facilitate trade, boost economic activity, and improve the ease of doing business. As the facility becomes operational, it is expected to set a new benchmark in trade facilitation, underscoring the pivotal role of digital solutions in driving economic growth and efficiency.

In summary, the launch of the Electronic Payment facility marks a significant advancement in the trade sector, promising to deliver substantial benefits through enhanced efficiency, security, and integration of payment processes. This initiative stands as a cornerstone in the ongoing journey towards a more streamlined and effective trading ecosystem.


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Webb Fontaine is revolutionising international trade by empowering governments and communities with technology powered by AI. We offer comprehensive solutions across the trade spectrum, ranging from risk management to customs systems, single window, and beyond. Webb Fontaine is headquartered in Dubai, UAE with a presence across Europe, Middle East, South America, Asia and Africa.