Webb Fontaine at the side of the Beninese Customs

Webb Fontaine was at the side of the Beninese customs for the International Customs Day and the quarterly restitution session of the Beninese customs.
Established by the World Customs Organization (WCO) since January 26, 1953, the International Customs Day (ICD) commemorates each year the inaugural session of the Customs Cooperation Council that gave birth to the World Customs Organization.
This year, the Beninese customs chose this day to highlight the performance of the customs administration, a first since the advent of the health crisis related to the coronavirus and at the same time to congratulate some of its promoted agents.
In 2020, Benin was hit by the double health crisis linked to the COVID19 and the closing of the borders with the giant Nigeria, leading to the systematic and brutal suspension of trade with the latter. Thanks to its resilience and the modernisation of its administration through the establishment of the Single Window for Foreign Trade (GUCE) developed by the company WEBB FONTAINE, a partner of the Government of Benin in the dematerialisation of foreign trade procedures, the Beninese customs was able to mobilise approximately 356 billion CFA francs, which corresponds to a 108.25% achievement rate of its objectives.
Thanks to its partner WEBB FONTAINE, it has also succeeded in setting up a national program of Authorised Economic Operators (AEO).
These results attest to the commitment and determination of Benin Customs to make Benin a secure business destination in the subregion.
They also illustrate the theme chosen by the WCO for this new year: Recovery, Renewal and Resilience, Customs at the service of a sustainable supply chain.
This year, the WCO is inviting all the world’s Customs to join forces for better post covid19 management and to support individuals and businesses by strengthening the global supply chain, enhancing collaboration while leveraging technology and human resource development.
About Webb Fontaine
Webb Fontaine is revolutionising international trade by empowering governments and communities with technology powered by AI. We offer comprehensive solutions across the trade spectrum, ranging from risk management to customs systems, single window, and beyond. Webb Fontaine is headquartered in Dubai, UAE with a presence across Europe, Middle East, South America, Asia and Africa.