WCO awards certificate of merit to Webb Fontaine Côte d'Ivoire

WCO awards a Certificate of merit to Webb Fontaine Côte d’Ivoire for Outstanding Services rendered to the International Customs Community
This year’s International Customs Day was held on January 26th at CGECI headquarters, under the theme ‘the coordinated management of borders, a participatory approach for all relevant stakeholders’.
This event, chaired by the delegated Minister to the Prime Minister in charge of the Budget, and under the sponsorship of the World Customs Organization, provided Ivorian Customs with the opportunity to recall their objectives and missions.
Furthermore, in order to value the involvement of private partners in the customs process, Webb Fontaine CI was awarded a Certificate of Merit by the World Customs Organization (WCO) for Outstanding Services rendered to the International Customs Community.
Webb Fontaine is, alongside the Ivorian government committed to simplify trade procedures in the implementation of the Single Window for Foreign Trade.
Learn more about our Côte d’Ivoire Success Story
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About Webb Fontaine
Webb Fontaine is revolutionising international trade by empowering governments and communities with technology powered by AI. We offer comprehensive solutions across the trade spectrum, ranging from risk management to customs systems, single window, and beyond. Webb Fontaine is headquartered in Dubai, UAE with a presence across Europe, Middle East, South America, Asia and Africa.