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Webb Fontaine CTO joins consultation with Armenian Prime Minister

Written by Marketing at Webb Fontaine | Dec 22, 2023 5:00:00 AM

Our Chief Technology Officer, Ara Shamirzayan had the privilege of joining a high-profile meeting led by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, aimed at shaping the future of Armenia’s information technology sector.

The gathering brought together representatives from 30 leading companies in the IT industry, along with key figures like Deputy Chairman Hakob Arshakyan, Minister of High-tech Industry Robert Khachatryan, and Minister of Finance Vahe Hovhannisyan.

Prime Minister Pashinyan set the tone by highlighting the consultation’s mission—to understand sector challenges, evaluate the effectiveness of current government policies, and discuss future objectives.

Our CTO, alongside other IT leaders, shared insights into the sector’s progress under government initiatives, proposed ideas for refining regulations, and put forward suggestions for long-term issue resolution.

The outcome? A commitment to action. The Prime Minister directed the creation of a dedicated working group tasked with addressing raised concerns, developing effective solutions, and establishing a clear timeline for implementation. The ultimate aim: to propel Armenia toward becoming a technological powerhouse.

We’re thrilled to see our CTO contribute to this transformative journey.